guinness world records 2013

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Guinness World Records - Official Site1、A:SB! B:你在做自我介紹嗎? 2、A:你看個P啊! B:我看你呢。 3、同學對話 A:How are you? B:Fine,fuck you. 4、兩個BH同學對話如下: A:你以迅雷不及掩耳盜鈴兒響叮當仁不讓世界充滿愛無止境然跟我說這種話? B:你塞翁失馬失前啼笑皆非短流長使英雄淚滿襟The Guinness World Records Official site with ultimate record-breaking facts & achievements. Do you want to set a world record? Are you Officially Amazing? ... Video: Open wide! Largest mouth gape record claimed by Germany's Bernd Schmidt ......


Guinness World Records 2013 (Guinness Book of Records (Mass Market)): Craig Glenday: 9780345547118: 心中有一句而說一百句的是文學家,這叫文采; 心中有一句而說十句的是教授, 這叫學問;心中有一句而說一句的是律師, 這叫謹慎;說一句留一句的是外交家, 這叫嚴謹;心中有十句而說一句的是政治家, 這叫心計;有一百句而只說一句是出家人, 這叫玄機;SPACE how far will we explore? What are the limits to space travel? The distances between the stars are vast and are measured using a unit called “light-years.” One light-year is the distance traveled by light in one year. The speed of light is 671 millio...


News | Guinness World Records1 同事問我:克林頓的老婆是希拉克嗎?2 有一次我向人借錢,本來想說的是”等我取了錢就還你”說成”等我有了錢就取你”汗3 同學叫於京波,一日來信,宿捨門衛在宿捨門口大叫:乾涼皮、乾涼皮的信!4 我們語文老師:請大家把書翻到120塊錢全班皆暈,後這位老師The Guinness World Records Official site with ultimate record-breaking facts & achievements. Do you want to set a world record? Are you Officially Amazing? ... Chinese soccer school with over 2,000 students earns world record title for largest residential...


♛ Guinness World Record 【Fastest Badminton Smash 2013】493km/h - YouTube我家有一隻很會講話的鳥最近跟牠講話都會被牠佔便宜我說:媽~~(我在叫我媽)鄭鴨鴨說:幹嘛?我說:鄭鴨鴨,過來!鄭鴨鴨:幹嘛?我說:放飼料啦!鄭鴨鴨:謝謝喔!鄭鴨鴨:麻~~~~~~~~我媽:幹嘛?鄭鴨鴨:你快點來啦!我媽:幹嘛?鄭鴨鴨:你是ㄇㄟ來某?(我媽不理牠)鄭鴨鴨:你你你你你你你.......快Guinness World Record 【Fastest Badminton Smash 2013】493km/h Tan Boon Hoeng 493km/h LEE Chong Wei 456km/h Certified July 28th, 2013


very very very fast Turbine powered RC Jet 440 MPH Speed Guinness World Record 2013 - YouTube一個穿著華麗的婦人剛從瑞士回國。她發覺她身旁坐著一位很親切的牧師。她問:"對不起,神父,可以要求你幫個忙嗎?""當然可以,孩子。我可以做什麼?""是這樣的, 我買了一部先進的除毛器,十分的昂貴。而且我的行李已經達到最高的稅限,我怕海關人員會充公我這東西。你可以幫我藏入你的聖袍裡面?""當然可以,孩子more movies on my channel: Radio controlled Turbinejet powered by a Behotec JB 180 Turbine Gold Edition. Trust 190 N. Guinness World Record in Ballenstedt Germany on 14.09.2013. 709 Kmh High Speed Record. Der zur Z...
