guinness world records 2014

Guinness World Records - Official Site學校開學點名,老師別出心裁說:「我念學號,你們自己報名字,這樣大 家就認識了,好不好?」 「1號!」 「報告老師,我姓焦,我叫焦配。」 老師有點暈,問道:「這是誰給你取的?」  「我爹。」 「你爹是幹什麼的?」  「開種豬廠的!」 「2號!」  一個女生站起來The Guinness World Records Official site with ultimate record-breaking facts & achievements. Do you want to set a world record? Are you Officially Amazing? ... Video: Open wide! Largest mouth gape record claimed by Germany's Bernd Schmidt ......


Guinness World Records 2015 Hardcover – September 9, 2014一男趕集賣豬,天黑遇雨,20頭豬尚未賣,到一農家借宿。少婦說,家裡只我一人不便。男:求你了大妹子,給豬一頭。少婦說:好吧,但家裡只有一床。男:我也到床上睡,給豬一頭。女:同意。半夜男商女:我到你上面睡。女害臊不肯。男:給豬兩頭。女允,要求上去不能動。男:行。少傾,男忍不住,央求動一下,女不肯。男:動GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS is the universally recognized global authority on record-breaking achievement. First published in 1955, the annual GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS book has gone on to become one of the biggest-selling copyright titles of all time, selling ov...


Guinness World Records 2015: Craig Glenday: 9781101883808: Books國中二年級,班上轉來一位很熱血的男同學他身材微胖,身高約有175,戴著眼鏡,他用很快的時間和班上打成一片對!他轉來的第一天第一節下課,就和班上最愛打架的強哥在廁所裡頭打成一片我只記得,他滿頭是血的走回教室,不慌不忙的用衛生紙擦乾,止血...一邊擦還一邊說笑話給我聽(我坐在他隔壁!)沒多久他就被叫到訓GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS is the universally recognized global authority on record-breaking achievement. First published in 1955, the annual GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS book has gone on to become one of the biggest-selling copyright titles of all time, selling ov...


Guinness World Records 2014: Guinness World Records: 9781908843159: Books有一位年輕的將軍被分發到邊陲地帶的軍營去鎮守, 到任的第一天就看到兩個兵為了一隻駱駝在打架, 將軍便問師爺那兩個兵為什麼要打架? 師爺答道:『啟稟將軍,本營四周都是沙漠且營中全是男人,那隻駱駝是士兵們解決性慾的唯一工具。』 將軍聽了大怒,就命令師爺把駱駝關起來Buy Guinness World Records 2014 by Guinness World Records (ISBN: 9781908843159) from Amazon's Book Store. Free UK delivery on eligible orders. ... I remember reading my first Guinness World Records when I was a kid and for a long time it was my favorite ....


Guinness World Records 2014 by Guinness World Records | 9781908843357 | Hardcover | Barnes & Noble我買豐胸膠囊的故事好幾個月前,趁著下班的空檔跑去屈臣氏買豐胸膠囊(羞)因為看網路上跟報紙都有討論跟推薦就帶著期待又怕受傷害的心情去買了我去的屈臣氏是很大間的,總共有三樓豐胸膠囊就是在三樓藥品部,可是那邊只有放紙盒子沒有把商品放在那裡,可能是要自己跟店員拿吧然後,因為很晚了,接近打烊時間人少少的,三樓Guinness World Records 2014 brings together thousands of the planet's most awe-inspiring people, pets and products, including new record-holders such as a skateboarding goat, a 15-meter-long robot dragon, the world's furriest cat and a king-size drumkit t...


Guinness World Records - YouTube在鄉下有兩個務農的兄弟,哥哥種地瓜,弟弟種玉米。 話說有一天兩兄弟在耕種時,哥哥在地上挖出一個舊燈來,弟弟用身上的毛巾擦掉燈上的泥巴,突然從燈中冒出一股青煙,變成一個精靈,精靈說:「我可以滿足你們三個願望。」 兩兄弟非常高興,哥哥先說:「我希望田裡的地瓜變的又大又香又甜」﹔精靈說:「沒問題」,於是哥Welcome to the official Guinness World Records YouTube channel! If you're looking for videos featuring the world's tallest, shortest, fastest, longest, oldes... ... Each week, we bring you jaw dropping records both old and new from our Guinness World Reco...
