guinness world records 2015

Guinness World Records - Official Site話說,某一天,勇慶和萬萊這兩個有錢人在高爾夫球場。勇慶對萬萊說 : 「唉,你知道嗎?我的司機實在很笨!」萬萊說 : 「怎樣的笨?」勇慶就把他的司機阿明叫過來對他說:「阿明,這裡有新台幣100元,你去街頭的汽車展示中心買一輛朋馳轎車回來。」阿明:「是的,老闆,我馬上就去。」勇慶對萬萊說 :『你看!他真SUMMER READING CHALLENGE 2015 Annual reading promotion for children aged 4-11 will challenge youngsters to explore astonishing real-life achievements and even set a ... Ashes 2015: Classic England and Australia Guinness World Records cricket ......


Guinness World Records 2015: Guinness World Records: 9781908843630: Books一個天高氣爽的日子,一名小女孩跟隨父母到農場玩,她一個人到西瓜園,怡然自得,玩的很開心。小女孩看見大大小小的西瓜,便問園主:「叔叔,這顆西瓜要多少錢?」園主回答:「小朋友,要兩百元。」小女孩說:「可是我只有五十元。」園主隨手指向一個很小的西瓜說:「小朋友,五十元只能買像這樣小的西瓜。」沒想到小女孩猛GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS is the universally recognized global authority on record-breaking achievement. First published in 1955, the annual GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS book has gone on to become one of the biggest-selling copyright titles of all time, selling ov...


Guinness World Records 2015: Craig Glenday: 9781101883808: Books有一次辦聯誼,主辦人要求男同學這邊全部都騎機車 ,但是就一位同學很想炫耀自己一下,故意開他的新車車.這下子糟 ,女生都要坐他的車子.............這樣子就會有三四個男生沒有辦法載到妹妹,大家心裡都很幹,那位不合群的同學,這時主辦人想到一個整他的辦法,就是在這些女生當中,選出幾隻'恐龍'來坐GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS is the universally recognized global authority on record-breaking achievement. First published in 1955, the annual GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS book has gone on to become one of the biggest-selling copyright titles of all time, selling ov...


Guinness World Records 2015 Edition | 60th Anniversary Edition某天,FBI要徵人,於是各國的菁英都陸續報名,經過一番激烈的廝殺,終於只剩三個人進入第二階段,一個是美國人,一個是德國人,一個是台灣人....主考官:恭喜各位進入第二階段了,接下來我們有個測驗,只要通過了就是我們FBI的一員。於是,主考官帶他們到一個房門前說...主考官:等等你們有五分鐘的時間,進去Guinness World Records 2015 Edition Book is packed to bursting with new & updated achievements & more images than ever before! It's OFFICIALLY AMAZING! ... What's new for 2015? The latest edition of the Guinness World Records annual celebrates our ......


Guinness World Records - YouTube話說..不是很多發電廠會賣冰...那天帶著我朋友去水里的發電廠吃冰朋友問說 : 怎麼那麼好吃我跟他說 : 因為這裡的電比較新鮮,做出來的冰當然好吃朋友說 : 喔喔 原來如此(點頭).....他當真了....Welcome to the official Guinness World Records YouTube channel! If you're looking for videos featuring the world's tallest, shortest, fastest, longest, oldes... ... Each week, we bring you jaw dropping records both old and new from our Guinness World Reco...


15 Quirkiest Achievements in the 'Guinness World Records 2015'奇摩拍賣三不五時總是有一些天兵來賣東西~ 之前看過賣機車~ 安全帽~ 風衣... 對話尤其爆笑~~ 今天特別分享給大家台中華三菱多利的拍賣給大家笑一下~ 中華三菱多利800出廠年份(西元): 1989 車身顏色: 不入(BLUE) Break out the measuring tape, because there's a whole new group of world records for you to beat. The Guinness World Records 2015 edition debuted Wednesday and with it, pages and pages of delightfully strange world records. It covers everything from the t...
