guinness world records museum

Guinness World Records Museum, Hollywood CA一個華麗的婦人剛從瑞士回國。她發覺她身旁坐著一位很親切的神父,她問:"對不起,神父,可以要求你幫個忙 嗎?"當然可以,孩子。我可以做什麼?"是這樣的,我買了一部先進的除毛器,十分的昂貴。而且我的行李已經達到最高的稅限,我怕海關人員會充公我這東西。你可以幫我藏入你的袍子裡面嗎?"當然可以,孩子。可是你Visit the Guinness World Record Museum on Hollywood's famous Walk of Fame, a family friendly attraction showcasing impressive world records - top LA attraction ... EXPERIENCE GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS ON THE HOLLYWOOD WALK OF FAME From ......


Guinness World Records Niagara Falls一 位德高望重的美國訪問日本,並在訪問地認識了一位元漂亮的日本女孩,這女孩幾乎不懂英語,而參議員也不懂日語,但這似乎並沒有影響他們的交往,兩人你情我 願,於是就幹起了那事兒,女孩作愛時的樣子同其他女人真是不同,只見她不斷地用日語尖叫並 做出各種鬼臉。雖然他聽不懂日語,但他感到那女孩高潮時的叫聲好刺激Guinness World Records Niagara Falls...


Guinness World Records - Official Site某日,老師正在指責當天的值日生:「垃圾沒倒,講台上那麼髒, 黑板也沒擦,粉筆亂丟 ,地球儀上也…」 用手一摸說 :「全是灰塵!」 值日生答道 :「老師,你摸的地方正是撒 哈拉沙漠。」 齊老先生三代單傳,在晚年的 時候,喜獲麟兒,如獲至寶, 便將小孩的八字請算命先生合字,希望能The Guinness World Records Official site with ultimate record-breaking facts & achievements. Do you want to set a world record? Are you Officially Amazing? ... Video: Open wide! Largest mouth gape record claimed by Germany's Bernd Schmidt ......


Guinness World Records Museum - Phillips Entertainment, San Antonio, TX話說有一間動物園新來了一隻獅子,在餵食的時候,其他獅子都吃牛排,這隻新獅子只分配到香蕉。起初這隻新來的獅子以為自己資淺,不以為意。隔了幾天,牠實在受不了,就開口問了其中一隻獅子:「為什麼你們每天吃飯都吃牛排,而我都吃香蕉?」資深的獅子回答說:「因為我們這個動物園,獅子的人事凍結,你頂的是猴子的缺。」Enjoy hundreds of unbelievable exhibits of World Records from amazing groups of sports, space, animals, food, human achievement and more. ... E njoy hundreds of unbelievable exhibits of World Records from amazing groups of sports, space, animals, food ......


Guinness World Records - Philips Entertainment, San Antonio, TX買狗老王到寵物店,想買一隻狗。 好不容易跟老闆講定價錢,正要離開時,他忽然想到一個問題,急忙回頭問老闆:「你這隻狗忠不忠心啊?」老闆拍胸脯保證說:「牠當然忠心囉!之前我把牠賣出去四次,牠都自己跑回了呢!」Experience three unique attractions including Guinness World Records Museum, Tomb Rider 3D, and Haunted Adventure. ... E xperience three unique attractions including Guinness World Records Museum which introduces the BRAND NEW Attempt Arena! Our ......


Guinness World Records - Clifton Hill, Niagara Falls一間房子出租給多名男女,浴室只有一間,洗澡都要排好久。一夜小吳從外頭回來,想去洗澡,但正好浴室有名女子在洗,又不知道她洗完後是否有人也等著要洗....於是小吳問:「小姐,妳下面有人洗嗎?」那小姐生氣的回答:「下面我會自己洗啦!無聊!」◎錯誤 一對夫婦結婚二十周年,老婆提議殺隻雞慶賀一番。老GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS Discover a plethora of marvelous world records, from the tiny, the large, the tall and the just plain unbelievable. Located on Clifton Hill, just a short walk away from the unique Niagara Falls themselves. Come in and explore our la...
