guinness world records taiwan

Oldest elephant | Guinness World Records有一個人樓下是賣瓦斯的,所以只要每次懶得下去,他就直接打開窗戶大喊:「瓦斯一桶!」就會有人送上來。結果有一天,主人出去不在家,然後主人有養一隻鸚鵡,他鸚鵡聽久「瓦斯一桶」也會講了嘛!然後那時正好窗戶開著,那隻鸚鵡就對著窗戶喊:「瓦斯一桶!」結果樓下賣瓦斯的就送上一桶瓦斯,結果一直等不到人來應門,只好The oldest elephant ever was Lin Wang, an Asian elephant (Elephas maximus), who died on 26 February 2003 aged 86, at Taipei Zoo, Taiwan. Grandpa Lin, as he became known, carried supplies through the jungles of Myanmar (formerly Burma) for the Japanese ......


Guinness World Records Classics: Most soap bubbles blown inside one large bubble | Guinness World Re阿德在一次車禍中不幸的失去了兩隻耳朵,但卻因此得了一大筆保險賠償金。於是阿德就利用這筆錢開了一家公司,可是阿德十分在意自己沒有耳朵的怪樣子,所以他在面試新人時,只要那人露出一點點異樣的眼神,阿德就會大發脾氣。有一天,阿德連續面試了三個新人。第一個是老實的書呆子有問必答。阿德在問完一般性的問題後認為這Since this footage was broadcast, however, the record has been beaten on two further occasions, with the current benchmark now set an incredible 779 bubbles - a feat achieved by Su Zhong Tai (Taiwan) on the set of CCTV - Guinness World Records Special in ...


Guinness - Official Site故事發生在臺北市。凡是臺北人,或是住過臺北的人,甚至,不住在臺北的人,應該都知道臺北市最有名的隧道。是的,那就是以靈異傳說聞名的辛亥隧道。辛亥隧道長長貫通臺北市與景美木柵一帶,是文山區對臺北市的交通要道。隧道入口的這一端,臺北市立第二殯儀館儼然在焉,殯儀館旁便是供應全臺北市飲用水的自來水廠,說起來,Official site includes pictures, posters, wallpaper, screensavers, and information on the company, its brewery and the ads behind the famous Irish stout beer....


Longest coin spin - Guinness World Records Challengers在桃園北橫某山區,有個露營場地,因為有一對在那裡露營的男女朋友,在吵架後,女孩竟然在盥洗室上吊自殺,從此以後,那裡一直流傳著鬼怪故事.....某日一群學生,在事先不知情的情形下,決定在那裡紮營,沒想到附近遊客卻告訴他們晚上不要到盥洗室,並把鬼怪傳說告訴他們,使他們到了晚上之後,就不敢到盥洗室. 可是Wow World Record Guinness had set 25 seconds of round dip and made 26 ahead of him but last place Vsbibov currency this page is more accurately done 28 seconds and said ......


Longest paper aircraft flight - Guinness World Records Challengers某氣象播報員:今天天氣晴時多雲偶陣雨;北部地區陰晴不定出門恐遇大雷雨;北部朋友出門請別忘了攜帶雨具。中南部地區豔陽高照紫外線指數偏高;外出時恐有曬傷之虞;出門時請帶陽具……在餐廳的某個角落,坐著三個男子,他們正在討論和老婆的性生活。甲說:「我老婆她是做空姐的,每次在辦事時Pick your challenge, upload an attempt and compete with your friends. How do you measure up against the world's best? ... Rank 1st Score 23.06 seconds The paper is A5 size 65gsm bagasse paper. the venue is handball gym(after end of Redbull paper-wings ......


World Amazing Records - Became a World Record Records一男趕集賣豬,天黑遇雨,20頭豬尚未賣,到一農家借宿。少婦說,家裡只我一人不便。男:求你了大妹子,給豬一頭。少婦說:好吧,但家裡只有一床。男:我也到床上睡,給豬一頭。女:同意。半夜男商女:我到你上面睡。女害臊不肯。男:給豬兩頭。女允,要求上去不能動。男:行。少傾,男忍不住,央求動一下,女不肯。男:動The Guinness Book of Records acknowledged the achievement of Sharjah cricket stadium for hosting the most number of one-day matches during the Pakistan and Sri Lanka encounter here on Sunday. Sharjah stadium, built in the early 1980s, was the hub of one ....
