Guitar Pro iPhone iPad話說,對於女生而言,胸部太大,是個挺麻煩的事... 之前就有個叫Lindsey的妹子吐槽自己30H的巨胸。 她表示,胸部太大,真是各種不方便, 比如襯衫的扣子扣不上啊 彎腰撿東西還得捂住胸,不然它們會跑出來... 不管穿什麼衣服都是性感風 穿得The Guitar Pro mobile app offers the playback functionalities of the desktop software, reproducing the sound of over 80 instruments. Whether you be with your friends, rehearsing, or just sitting by the campfire, you can now keep all of your scores with yo...