Gun Games - Y8.COM 有一對裸體的雕像面對面的佇立在公園已有數十年,一天,愛神丘比特從天而降,來到他們兩人面前,說:「想必你們倆每日對看卻不能動手一定很鬱悶吧,今天我就讓你們變成人類,去做你們想做的事吧!可是只有十五分鐘喔。」 話說完,兩個雕像就變成人了那兩人就立刻跳進草叢,草堆發出唏唏蘇甦的聲音&hellPlay Guns Games on Y8.com. Be it an AK-47, a machine gun or a sniper rifle all of these have some things in common, they are equally deadly, they shoot bullets and spread havoc. Pick a Gun and be the one to do these things in a game online on Y8....