Gw2 IMMERSIVE Dry Top Tour (3/3) - YouTube某公司舉辦大力士比賽,比賽項目是捏柳丁.第一位出場的是一位大學生, 肌肉結實,手一捏, 柳丁的汁竟然裝滿了一整杯,主持人大驚: [這位先生, 您是....]大學生:[我是體操選手, 練單槓的.]第二位出場的是一個身著軍服的年輕人,彎腰拾起大學生捏的柳丁, 手一捏, 竟然又擠出半杯,主持人嚇呆了:[您As I explored dry top for the first time I knew it wouldnt be enough to just talk about it, so heres a map showing off the vast majority of places in there to explore. If you prefer some commentary I have two other videos about the patch here below: Path ...