Armor - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) 這招真的不錯,可以學學 對吃貨應該更有效! ---------------------------- 原PO: 當天中午我們倆才驚醒 本來說好要早起去圖書館的 然後就開始念我說為什麼昨天我沒有設鬧鐘 可是明明他昨天晚上先說 :「欸北鼻我們明天要早起去圖書館喔。」 我還以為他調了我就自個兒睡了&heAttributes [edit] Primary article: Attribute In addition to defense, armor also provides bonuses to attributes. The value of this bonus depends on the level, slot, and rarity only. Different armor weights do not offer different attribute bonuses like they...