Cooler Master HAF X Case Review - TechSpot 如果一個人長期處於勞累狀態,那很容易做出許多「反常」的行為,因為累到一種極限時,失控的事情都見怪不怪了…編輯在疲倦的情況下也做過把洗髮、潤髮和沐浴乳搞混的狀況,以下這些想必也是「過度勞動者」的舉動,看了都想跟這些人說:「還是快放自己一個假吧~」 這個人事後也欲哭無淚… When Cooler Master announced the new HAF X as the new flagship model of its 'High Air Flow' line, they had our immediate attention as we wondered how they could have improved the impeccable 932's formula. Cooler Master HAF X Case Review....