
HandBrake - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaHandBrake is a free and open-source multithreaded transcoding app, originally developed by Eric "titer" Petit in 2003 to make ripping a film from a DVD to a data storage device easier. Since then, it has undergone many changes and revisions.[3] Handbrake ...


HandBrake download | SourceForge.net哈哈~女生有這麼激烈嗎XD HandBrake download. HandBrake 2014-11-22 12:55:29 free download. HandBrake A tool to convert video from nearly any format to modern codecs ... We live in an interconnected world, each of us having multiple devices to support media content wherever we go....


[轉檔] HandBrake v0.10.0 將 DVD 影片轉存到電腦硬碟裡(支援 Windows, Mac) _ 重灌狂人咦...怎麼那麼準~!!!! 2015/3/8 更新:HandBrake 軟體版本更新至 v0.10.0 最新版。 當你買了DVD影片,希望能先將整張光碟拷貝到電腦的硬碟中有時間再看的話,該怎麼做呢? HandBrake是個很簡單好用的軟體,對於一般不熟這類轉檔操作的人來說,幾乎只要4~5個步驟就可以完成。轉 ......
