Alternatives to the Hang Drum for Sale: | HandPans Magazine - The PANArt Hang, HandPan, and Hank Dru有一天哈利、榮恩、妙麗三人練習現影術時不小心瞬到了木葉忍者村。正當他們不知如何是好時,迎面走來了三個人。是忍者學校的頭痛三人組。哈利:「你們看,那三人跟我們好像!」鳴人:「像三小?」哈利:「我們都是三人組的死黨,而且兩男一女。」鳴人:「哪裡像了?我肚上有九尾的印記,而且童年過的很悲慘。」哈利:「幹,The most commercially available instrument of our selection is the 1Tone ECLIPSE Hank-style drum. An instrument that has been described as 'If the Hang, and a Hank had a baby, this would be it'. And that essentially sums up the 1Tone quite nicely, with th...