5.5 sec Hang Time | NFL Raiders Marquette King Crushes Punts | Kohl's Kicking Camps - YouTube 航海王中的娜美已經成為所有女生的指向標!天使臉孔加上魔鬼身材,腰瘦、奶澎.....而通常來說身材很棒的總是容易成為焦點!現在!又有一位驚人的「胸奴國身材妹」出現了!▼房間亂成這樣怎麼回事?!網友(oracular)分享至PTT引鄉民熱議! ▼誰拍的?"攝影師"忍住了嗎 臉書神到!是這位嗎Oakland Raiders punter Marquette King hits some huge punts including a 5.5 second hang time in an annual workout with fellow pro players Thomas Morstead (Saints), Pat McAfee(Colts), Tim Masthay (Packers), TJ Connley (Vikings) and Travis Baltz (Free Agent)...