hans j wegner

Hans J. Wegner - Carl Hansen & Søn ▲看起來很可愛的企鵝卻有著恐怖的獸行。(source:tantannews,下同)   大家好,我是小白兔~ 可愛的動物總是令人感到紓壓並且好奇,這是一件非常美好的事,但是對於他們,人類有時候還是會不小心忽略掉「動物還是有他們的獸性」這個事實。 根據tantannews報導,一百多年前,Hans J. Wegner is widely considered to be one of the leading figures in 20th century furniture design. The collaboration with Carl Hansen & Son began with four chairs in 1949....


Hans J. Wegner - danish-furniture.com - Danish design furniture from the 20th century - danish-furni 錢到底好不好賺? 許多人會毫不猶豫回上一句:太難了。那賺到錢的人是有多聰明嗎?並非如此。大多數的有錢人,只是比你更有思想,更能看到長遠的機會。而且這些機會往往就在你我身邊。------     漢斯·瓦爾,瓦爾公司創始人,人稱“廁所大王”,Hans J. Wegner With his love of natural materials and his deep understanding of the need for furniture to be functional as well as beautiful, Hans J. Wegner (1914–) made mid-century Danish design popular on an international scale. He began his career as a...


Hans J Wegner - Scandinavian Design - is seen internationally as a designation ▲性和愛看起來好像沒什麼區別。(source:chuansong,下同)   大家好,我是小白兔~ 很多情侶即使交往很久,仍然會擔憂對方是否只愛自己的身體,而不愛自己?有這個疑慮的人再也不用擔心了! 根據chuansong分享,有一名插畫家名叫Karina Farek,她最近創作了一系列Hans J Wegner trained as a cabinet-maker before attending the Copenhagen School of Arts and Crafts, where he later lectured from 1946 to 1953. From 1938 to 1942, he worked as a furniture designer in Arne Jacobsen and Erik MollerÇs architectural practice. ...


Hans J. Wegner - Designers - Fritz Hansen話說,很多人都喜歡給自己的愛車打扮,打扮出來雖然品味有好壞,但基本不會差太遠。。   但今天要說的意大利一位叫Maria Lucia Mugno的藝術家,她給自己的車打扮就有點奇怪。。   她給自己的車全部裝飾上了頭髮。。   是全部。。   而且真的是頭髮。Hans J. Wegner - cabinet-maker and furniture designer and one of the principals of 'Danish Modern'. He is one of the Danish designers who has achieved world fame. Wegner is a meticulous and admired craftsman and his furniture is a combination of good, sol...


Hans Wegner - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia     本文獲得微信公眾號帶你遊遍美國 weloveusa 授權,原始標題:她為了美容和身體健康而混喝精液....我除了胃部抽動還能說什麼...   照片上這個女人叫Tracy Kiss,今年29歲,來自英國,是一個有兩個孩子的單親媽媽。 &nbsHans Jørgensen Wegner, (April 2, 1914 - January 26, 2007), was a world renowned Danish furniture designer. His high quality and thoughtful work, along with a concerted effort from several of his manufacturers,[1] contributed to the international popularit...


Hans J. Wegner - Classic Furniture 4 u 這個少年叫Alex Macheras,來自英國倫敦,今年19歲。 今天要介紹他,是因為他的工作讓人有點羨慕——他平時主要負責上天。。   好吧,他的職業其實是航空體驗師,也就是那些飛機處女航的體驗者。每次有新飛機起航的時候,他都是第一個見證的人。   如Hans J. Wegner Hans J. Wegner 1914-2007 Hans J. Wegner was born in Denmark, he was originally trained as a cabinet maker. At the age of 22, he went to the School of Arts and Crafts in Copenhagen in 1936, and tutored for 7 years in this school from 1946 to...
