Want to find the IP address from a hard drive that was in a PC. Win XP - Microsoft Community 男女因為相愛而成為戀人,可是如何相處才是真正考驗的開始。有人說男女相處之道是個大學問,其中最重要的就是彼此尊重與信任感的建立,無論是言語上或肢體上的尊重,以及彼此不欺瞞的誠信,才是決定是否能夠繼續走下去的最重要原則。所以,波仕特線上市調網 ( http://www.pollster.cI have a PC that got thermal errors and will not boot. We have ordered a new PC. I would like to recover the IP address off the hard drive. The hard drive works and I have it attached ......