Hard Rock Cafe Hong Kong LKF在美國某個城市,有一位先生搭了一部計程車要到某個目的地。這位乘客上了車,發現這輛車不只是外觀光鮮亮麗而已,這位 司機 先生服裝整齊,車內的佈置亦十分典雅,這位乘客相信這應該是段很舒服的行程。車子一啟動,司機很熱心的問車內的溫度是否適合?又問他要不要聽音樂或是收音機?這位司機告訴他可以自行選擇喜歡的音Inviting all music and food lovers to enjoy the fun at Hard Rock Cafe! Hard Rock Cafe Hong Kong is located in a unique spot in the center of Lan Kwai Fong, the party and night life center of the city, with a stylish interior design, kick-ass American cuis...