Macau Hotel Dining & Nightlife | Hard Rock Hotel Macau 我們擁有紫禁城, 是何其幸運。 《紫禁城的秘密》 每一個黃皮膚、 黑頭髮的中國人, 都應該去紫禁城裡走一走。 循着朱紅色的圍牆, 一直慢慢、慢慢地走, 走過明黃的琉璃瓦, 走過微翹的層層重Live like a rockstar at the exciting Hard Rock Hotel Macau. A boutique hotel with attitude destined to become a landmark of Macau†s entertainment scene. With a chic lounge located at the top of the hotel and a Hard Rock pool bar, this Macau hotel is the...