hard stop 2012

KONY 2012 - YouTube婦人在公園裡一張長椅上坐下,四顧無人,便把腿伸直放在長椅子上鬆弛一下,過了一會兒,一個乞丐走到她面前,說:「相好的一起散步如何?」「你好大的膽子。」婦人叫罵道:「我可不是那種勾三搭四的女人!」「那麼,」乞丐說:「你在我床上幹什麼?」Donate to Invisible Children's work here - https://give.invisiblechildren.com/ch... To learn more about our work: http://spr.ly/pp_5 To become a member of Fourth Estate: http://spr.ly/pp_4E5 To see real time reports on LRA activity in the D.R.Congo, Centr...


Do We Have the Courage to Stop This? - The New York Times前天和同學在咖啡館喝咖啡聊是非的討論......家中弟妹都資源共享 但是某些 隱私性的資料怎辦那個在唸中X大學的碩士班的天才同學小仁推了推他的千度眼鏡很老沉的說:------- A片就A片.....假什麼-----大家都不爽 他的傲慢......要不你怎麼不被發現電腦裡的A片????只見他拿出他半IN the harrowing aftermath of the school shooting in Connecticut, one thought wells in my mind: Why can’t we regulate guns as seriously as we do cars? The fundamental reason kids are dying in massacres like this one is not that we have lunatics or crimina...


Press Releases | Amnesty International UK人非聖賢,說錯無罪記得之前高中的時候學校離火車站還有點距離,所以出了火車站還得騎腳踏車到學校由於路途遙遠,基本上賴床是常有的事情不過這不是重點有一次學校補考,我又睡過頭了很緊張了搭了火車,想打通電話給老師報備一下我勒!手機沒電剛好火車又誤點到了車站又不巧腳踏車又烙鍊真是屋漏偏逢連夜雨,再衰也沒這麼衰Jul 11 2015 9:40am China: Dozens of human rights lawyers targeted in nationwide crackdown The Chinese authorities must end their assault on human rights lawyers, Amnesty International said on Saturday, after more than 50 lawyers and activists were targete...


Is Algebra Necessary? - The New York Times八八媽媽要驢婚了前幾天去表哥家裡拜訪,順便看兩個可愛的小侄進到表哥家,感覺氣氛有點異常,表哥表嫂臉色都僵住了看起來剛剛好像發生過家庭革命表哥表嫂突然說要出門一下我也就尷尬的說好,順便幫忙帶小朋友看她們玩了一下三歲多的小姪女就黏了上來,開始一直講話一直講話呼嚕嚕的有些都聽不太懂突然有一句:姨,什麼是ㄌA TYPICAL American school day finds some six million high school students and two million college freshmen struggling with algebra. In both high school and college, all too many students are expected to fail. Why do we subject American students to this or...


Our men throw acid in our faces, destroy our lives but we never stop loving men. (Warning: Violent i講台上老師阻止了正從後門準備溜進來聽課的漂亮女生。 「站住!你看看幾點了你才來上課!」 「對不起老師,我沒帶錶,手機又沒電了,所以我也不知道幾點了,你如果真的想知道,你就問問其他同學吧,我來的比較晚,走的比較急,你就先讓我休息一下,喘口氣吧。」 「停!停!停!你怎麼大學生還不明白我的話嗎,我是說你上Men throw acid on us with the intention of injuring or disfiguring us. Men throw acid on our bodies, burn our faces, smash our noses, melt our eyes, and walk away as happy men. Acid attack is common in Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, Afghanistan, Nepal ......


Things I Wish Reenactors Would Stop/Start Doing | Historically Speaking有一天 美國正在舉辦比賽大便......主持人一一介紹完規矩後....已經分出前三名當第三名把他的作品端出時......全場喝采....歡聲四起他竟然拿出一個有如卡通般螺旋大便......主持人便問他如何做到的他說這個必須考慮到圓週率以及速度的問題....在大便時必須用屁股旋轉,以及力量速度要恰到好I don’t do much early period stuff, but I’ve heard about what you speak of. It’s pretty ridiculous, and we get a similar phenomenon in 20th century reenacting. I have encountered plenty of reenactors who are just there to get out and shoot guns and could ...
