harvard business review

Harvard Business Review - Ideas and Advice for Leaders 求求你給我一個女朋友吧!Find new ideas and classic advice on strategy, innovation and leadership, for global leaders from the world's best business and management experts. ... The email and password entered aren’t matching to our records. Please try again, or reset your password...


Harvard Business Review - YouTube 我退休了! 不賣炸雞!你想要西瓜嗎!? = ="Harvard Business Review (hbr.org) provides leaders with the ideas, insights, and tools they need to become better managers. ... John Mackey, co-CEO and co-founder of Whole Foods Market and coauthor of the bestselling book, Conscious Capitalism: Liberating...


Harvard Business Publishing - Official Site 我很想知道投錢下去,出來的會是什麼!?Develop Your Leaders, Transform Your Organization Traditional approaches to leader development are not delivering on their promise. They’re too detached from business operations and strategy, and focus on knowledge and skills to the neglect of values and ...


Higher Education - Harvard University 雄:哆啦A夣! 哆:啥!? 你有事嗎!?Spreadsheet Modeling: Excel 2013 Students learn how to use Microsoft Excel 2013 as a reporting tool and a modeling tool for solving business problems. Appropriate for any Excel skill level, the course takes place at a bakery and students use the features ...


Harvard Business Review: Amazon.com: Magazines 他昨天水喝太多了!Invest in yourself – drive change, innovate for growth, lead smarter - from the best and the brightest in the industry today. Harvard Business Review is THE magazine for decision-makers. It’s where global business leaders turn for ideas and inspiration. W...
