Online and On-Campus Courses | Harvard Extension School ▲小S在網路PO出與老公的親密合照。(source:小S臉書,下同) 大家好,我是小白兔~ 小S與老公的感情,一直都是大眾注目的焦點。前幾日小S在臉書上直播爆哭的片段更是引起粉絲的擔憂,並聯想到是否與老公有關? 根據小S臉書報導,小S在7月11日時,在網路上傳了與老公共遊韓國的親密合Taking a Course We offer a variety of ways for you to take courses so you can find the option that works best with your schedule. Online, on campus in the evening, at a scheduled time weekly or a bit more self-paced through the semester. Read about our va...