完全乾燥 絕對防水 法國型格軍靴品牌Palladium
have, has got - English Grammar - Englisch Lernen Online - Grammatik, Vokabeln, Prüfungen, Spiel 誕生接近一個世紀之久的法國強悍軍靴品牌-Palladium,近年推出全鞋防水的 Palladium Waterproof 防水軍靴!擺脫水氣不要再靠醜嚕嚕的塑膠雨鞋,雨天著用 Palladium Waterproof 防水軍靴依舊能夠完美搭配街頭Look!魅力值滿點! 下雨天最怕的不是打雷閃電,而have got, has got - English Grammar, Auxiliaries - Materials for Teaching and Learning English ... Do not use >got< in the short answer. Have they got lots of friends? correct: Yes, they have. incorrect: Yes, they have got....