has to be

The Freedom Tower Was Supposed to Be the Greenest Building in America. So What Went Wrong? | Mother 圖片來源One World Trade Center, or the "Freedom Tower," as it was formerly known, soars above New York City, finally filling a void left by the 9/11 terror attacks. The brilliant blue-silver facade glints no matter where you are in the city—nothing less than a "b...


Inside Isis: The first Western journalist ever given access to the 'Islamic State' Jurgen Todenhofer 第三屆「 NEXT 寫真偶像女王」公佈候選名單!此次八位候選者都是寫真偶像界的次世代新星,一個個都有張可愛臉蛋加上姣好的身材,以及正值青春的年紀,實在很難讓人抉擇第一名寶座究竟要給誰呢! 參賽的寫真偶像有 Akira 、天木じゅん、金子栞、小松雛、澤田夏生、久松香織、百川晴香以及 YUUMI 。比The first Western journalist in the world to be allowed extensive access to Isis territories in Syria and Iraq has returned from the region with a warning: the group is “much stronger and much more dangerous” than anyone in the West realises. Jürgen Toden...


BBC News - Reverend Libby Lane named as CofE's first female bishop   一位老師在上課時現場殺了一隻兔子,用以展示肉類的生產過程,極具爭議性的誇張舉動造成一陣轟動。 這位做了錯誤示範的兼職教師本身農場有在養動物,包括這隻被他殺死的兔子 ; 教師表示只是想告訴學生屠宰場的過程,但這樣的行徑還是太直接,一般成人都無法接受了,更何況心智尚未發展完全的學子們。 The Reverend Libby Lane has been announced as the first female bishop for the Church of England, just a month after a historic change to canon law. She will become the new Bishop of Stockport, a post that has been vacant since May. Mrs Lane has been the v...


BBC News - Roads funding: £15bn to be spent on schemes for England 男人在外面那點事兒,我明白,絕對能給你做的很到位。但寶貝,女人做的到位,是她懂事兒,不是該你的 我希望你能把熱戀期的激情完好地保存 電話,短信,不一定每天都要有, 但是要在心裡想念我。    你不一定要多麼完美。但是, &nbs"We know David Cameron's record on infrastructure is one of all talk and no delivery. Infrastructure output has fallen significantly since May 2010 and less than a third of projects in the Government's pipeline are actually classed as 'in construction'. "...


North Korea Now Has Its Internet Back Up -- and a Global Reputation for How Easy It Is to Take Down   睡眠對一個人來說有多重要呢?一次充足的休息可以讓身體恢復元氣,起床後也會感到精力百倍、頭腦較為清晰,睡不飽的情況就和這模式相反,這也是所有考試前一天該睡飽的原因-可以徹底發揮實力。   睡眠的重要性,即使對維護和平的角色也不例外,這款「英雄睡袋」就是英雄們夜間的戰袍。 ▼蜘Did China Help North Korea’s Hack Attack on Sony? Ridge Says Obama Must Make `Tough Calls’ on North Korea North Korea’s limited access to the Internet was restored after being cut off for hours, days after the U.S. government accused the country of hackin...


Larger Apple iPad to Be Delayed - WSJ - The Wall Street Journal - Breaking News, Business, Financial 姓名:李炫臻 國籍:南韓 出生:南韓 學歷:中國傳媒大學播音主持專業 經歷:來自南韓的李炫臻2006年到北京,已經會說道地的中文,今年6月還曾因為一組吃雪糕的照片在網路爆紅,被網友封為「雪糕妹」。 在中國大陸江蘇省蘇州舉辦的「第六季中國校花大賽」總決賽當中,入選前16強的大學校花們經過3輪選拔後,“Everyone is busy with the new iPhones, Foxconn’s bread and butter. Chairman [ Terry Gou ] has also gone to the Zhengzhou site to monitor the production closely,” said an official at Foxconn. Apple said it sold more than 10 million of its new iPhones in i...
