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The Freedom Tower Was Supposed to Be the Greenest Building in America. So What Went Wrong? | Mother ●向S-Class看齊的新世代家族造型●鋁合金車體打造車重減輕100kg●初期導入三種動力規格、四款車型等級供選擇●國內售價 C180:195萬C200 Avantgarde:215萬C200 Exclusive:226萬C250 AMG Line:258萬●國內上市日期 2014/07 令M.BeOne World Trade Center, or the "Freedom Tower," as it was formerly known, soars above New York City, finally filling a void left by the 9/11 terror attacks. The brilliant blue-silver facade glints no matter where you are in the city—nothing less than a "b...


Inside Isis: The first Western journalist ever given access to the 'Islamic State' Jurgen Todenhofer●1.8升渦輪增壓引擎爆發237hp●向33 Stradale致意的絕佳車身線條●競技化高檔內裝●國內售價 428萬元 自從去年日內瓦車展發光登場後,Alfa Romeo車迷引頸期盼多時的小跑車4C歷經短暫的蟄伏期,國內這陣子已經有貿易商從原廠帶車進港,交付到消費者手中;緊接著,很快還會有一批4C踏The first Western journalist in the world to be allowed extensive access to Isis territories in Syria and Iraq has returned from the region with a warning: the group is “much stronger and much more dangerous” than anyone in the West realises. Jürgen Toden...


BBC News - Reverend Libby Lane named as CofE's first female bishopMEC德國改裝廠牌,大家熟悉的是專門為M.Benz做設計改裝,這是首次嘗試要設計別種車款,MEC選擇了很時尚的Ferrari 458 Italia來做這次的全新登場。   MEC展現絕佳的設計感、前衛風格的外觀,搭配柔和的Scossa Rossa車身套件,包括新的前下擾流板、車身側裙及一套The Reverend Libby Lane has been announced as the first female bishop for the Church of England, just a month after a historic change to canon law. She will become the new Bishop of Stockport, a post that has been vacant since May. Mrs Lane has been the v...


BBC News - Roads funding: £15bn to be spent on schemes for EnglandM.Benz的SUV車系陣容十足強大,從傳統經典的G-Class到新銳的GLA-Class提供了買家非常多樣的選擇,堪稱是提供了最多SUV相關車款的品牌。 G-Class 從1979年開始一直生產並且不斷改良至今的G-Class可說是M.Benz SUV家族當中的老大哥,這部車簡單堅固的結構讓它歷久"We know David Cameron's record on infrastructure is one of all talk and no delivery. Infrastructure output has fallen significantly since May 2010 and less than a third of projects in the Government's pipeline are actually classed as 'in construction'. "...


North Korea Now Has Its Internet Back Up -- and a Global Reputation for How Easy It Is to Take Down 對於穿梭在大馬路上感到厭倦?在台北市區的讀者應該都能了解,在市中心開車是多麼令人崩潰的一件事,尤其是尖峰時段,擁擠的程度讓你直想放棄這項交通工具…或許你會說,那不如其摩托車吧!但摩托車必須承受夏天中午的炎熱曝曬、冬天時的寒冷和不時的大雨,即使能超小路,但行駛的過程也不是那麼愜意阿! 現Did China Help North Korea’s Hack Attack on Sony? Ridge Says Obama Must Make `Tough Calls’ on North Korea North Korea’s limited access to the Internet was restored after being cut off for hours, days after the U.S. government accused the country of hackin...


Larger Apple iPad to Be Delayed - WSJ - The Wall Street Journal - Breaking News, Business, Financial BMW 15日宣布,開放目前使用在i3和i8電動車上頭的電池技術共享給其他汽車製造商。對BMW來說透過技術分享,有助於與合作開發的三星藉由規模經濟改善目前負擔的龐大電池成本。此外,BMW更預計在2016年提高對三星電池的需求,比起今年的需求量來說,將成長20%到30%。 在燃料電池車的開方上,BM“Everyone is busy with the new iPhones, Foxconn’s bread and butter. Chairman [ Terry Gou ] has also gone to the Zhengzhou site to monitor the production closely,” said an official at Foxconn. Apple said it sold more than 10 million of its new iPhones in i...
