出色旅程新勁界 全方位智能休旅「FORD KUGA勁化未來版」限量上市
Hasta la vista, baby - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia樹立同級全方位安全智能休旅新標竿的New Ford Kuga,上市以來以全方位安全配備、先進智能科技與強悍動能深受全台消費者青睞,銷售成長超過三成。Ford自今日起再限量推出「Ford Kuga勁化未來版」,以售價NT$ 99.9萬元的EcoBoost® 180時尚經典型為基礎,Origin [edit] The term "Hasta la vista" is a Spanish farewell that can be literally translated as "Until the (next) sighting" and means "See you later" and "Goodbye". This term, with the added word "baby" - "Hasta la vista, baby" - was used in the popular...