野外突然看到只兩米高的肌肉袋鼠在洗澡??還能怎樣啊!! 當場落跑啊!!
Amazon.com: Furby Boom Figure (Polka Dots): Toys & Games 今天這事兒的主人公, 是一位來自澳大利亞的小哥,Jackson Vincent 這天,他和自家愛犬正在前往祖母家, 一路牽着汪唱着小曲兒看着美景,也是好不愜意。 路過瑪格麗特河的時候,他停下來想給狗狗拍張照片。 就在這時,小哥忽然覺得,背後好像射來一把惡狠狠的眼刀。 他Get ready, because Furby Boom is the beginning of an adventure. A New Generation Is Hatching on the free Furby Boom app, where you and your Furby Boom can collect digital eggs, hatch them, and raise a city of virtual Furby Furblings. The Furby Boom experi...