Hat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 現在長假旅遊,都喜歡去有特色的地方。不過有些地方也太有「特色」了,估計你是不敢去的: 墨西哥娃娃島 傳說有個小女孩在這裡溺水死亡,父親發現了女兒的娃娃,認為女兒的靈魂附在娃娃里,就把娃娃吊在樹上,還收集許多不要的娃娃,到後來他離開家人,自己住到這個詭異的地方... &nA hat is a head covering. It can be worn for protection against the elements, for ceremonial reason, religious reasons, for safety, or as a fashion accessory.[1] In the past, hats were an indicator of social status.[2] In the military, they may denote nat...