Bitchin' Dietitian: Biting Off Just Enough to Chew | Healthy eating should be hip, simple, and fun. 話說,有一種心理現象叫Pareidolia,中文叫空想性錯覺,不知道大家有沒有聽過? 這種心理現象是指大腦對外界的某種刺激給予了一個實際的意義,但事實上,這個情景只是一種巧合... 這樣你可能沒概念, 這麼說吧, 如果你抬頭看到Healthy eating should be hip, simple, and fun. You only live once, but you eat multiple times a day. (by Jen Reilly) ... Eggless Eggs Makes 4 servings Prep and cooking time 20 minutes Searching for scrambled eggs without all the fat and cholesterol? Take ...