Learn Chinese Online & with Mobile Apps · ChinesePod一個男人周五下午離開家去上班。當天是發薪日,因此他沒有回家,整個周末在外面 與朋友們狂歡,并花光了他的全部薪水。 周日晚上他終于回到家里后,火冒三丈的妻子正等著他,連珠炮似的對他的所作所為 罵了將近一個小時。最后,妻子停止了喋喋不休的嘮叨,問他:「要是你也連續三天看不 到我,你作何感想?」 他回答:Incredible progress: It has been cool to see how far ChinesePod has come over the years! Awesome lessons and great interface. I have been actively studying Chinese for 5 years, have been in the mainland and Taiwan for about 6 months total and the ChineseP...