have a hard time

What is a true personal story that people have a hard time believing? - Quora  用手觸摸電風扇或洗衣機等家用電器時,有時會感到“麻”了一下,這說明用電器存在著漏電現象。如果用試電筆接觸用電器的外殼,試電筆中的氖管發紅,會顯示出有電的亮光。如果漏電現象不嚴重,可以自己動手解決。 第一種方法,是先把電源線的插頭從插座上拔下來,將插頭兩銅片的位置I know it is going to sound both very meta and incredibly boastful but... I have so many out-of-the-ordinary stories to tell that people have hard time believing they are all true. Given, I don't receive a phone call from another dimension every other day...


Tiger Woods 40th Birthday Interview - TIME | Current & Breaking News | National & World Updates乍看之下繽紛多彩,好像許多可愛的娃娃,但仔細一看…這些東西的形狀怎麼怪怪的咧~你猜的沒錯,這些有著粉嫩色彩、幾何圖案的布製品,就是你想的那個生殖器官-「陽具」啦!   這些特別的東西出自美國堪薩斯州的Holly Stewart手中,她原本在性愛用品工廠上班,起先是因為好奇的原Where are you right now with your recovery? I have just started walking. That’s it. You were just sitting all day at home? Mm-hmm. What’s a day of rehab like for you now? I walk 10 minutes on the beach. That’s it. Then I come back home and lie back down o...


Short Answers to Hard Questions About Climate Change - The New York Times乍看是一回事   細看又是一回事   就像生活有時也是如此   第一眼看到的不見得是事實           但卻總能蒙騙過眾人的眼睛      In the best case that scientists can imagine, several things happen: Earth turns out to be less sensitive to greenhouse gases than currently believed; plants and animals manage to adapt to the changes that have already become inevitable; human society dev...


1 Minute of All-Out Exercise May Have Benefits of 45 Minutes of Moderate Exertion - The New York Tim 我們都知道,檸檬水對身體有很多好處,只要注意牙齒腐蝕的問題,多喝一點不僅對身體好,也會讓皮膚變好,補充維他命C。   不過說了這麼多,大家知道檸檬水怎麼做嗎? 需不需要一個裸體穿圍裙,裡面只有"胖次"的美女來教你們呢?   網路上最近流傳了一支影片名為"小歪廚房",在這短片中,Gretchen Reynolds on the science of fitness. Think you’re too busy to work out? We have the workout for you. For many of us, the most pressing question about exercise is: How little can I get away with? The answer, according to a sophisticated new study o...


Google Couldn’t Kill 20 Percent Time Even if It Wanted To | WIRED 感情經歷:交往3個男友。身邊眾多姐妹淘和藍顏熱衷於八卦滾床單始末,結合自己的感受和姐妹們的情感經歷略述一二,拋磚引玉。  1.做愛前不斷吻你的,你的唇,身體,甚至私處,屁股,腳,他真的很喜歡你,這種人懂得如何取悅女性,而主動取悅你的,他至少是喜歡你的。(喜歡不等於愛,喜歡也不一定對你負責Google didn’t invent the idea of giving employees time to experiment with their own ideas, nor will it have the final word on how best to bestow such time. Plenty of other large tech companies have implemented their own takes on 20 percent time, including...


The 18 Mistakes That Kill Startups - Paul Graham整形在近幾年來算是一股巨大的勢力,不僅明星,素人整形也是很常見的事情。如果只是微調還好,把整張臉都變得不像自己,除去個人特色以外,真的有比較好看嗎? 一位女模特兒花了約150萬將自己打造成「真人版充氣娃娃」,你或許會覺得這個名字太驚人,但看到她的照片後,還真的跟所謂的充氣娃娃長得很像…October 2006 In the Q & A period after a recent talk, someone asked what made startups fail. After standing there gaping for a few seconds I realized this was kind of a trick question. It's equivalent to asking how to make a startup succeed—if you avoid e...
