I Have A Dream Speech (TEXT) - Breaking News and Opinion on The Huffington Post 如果你不愛一個人,請放手,好讓別人有機會愛她。 如果有那麼一天你愛的人放棄了你,那麼,請你一定要放開自己,好讓自己有機會愛別人。 這話直白但很有道理,也從一個側面教會了人們如何對待情感。 有的東西你再喜歡也不會屬於你的,有的東西你再留戀也注定要放棄的,愛是人生中一首永遠也唱不完的歌。 人一生中也許Martin Luther King Jr. is celebrated today, Jan. 17, 2011, just two days after he would have turned 82 years old. It's a great day to revisit the "I Have A Dream" speech he delivered in 1963 in Washington, D.C. Scroll down to read the text in full below. ...