Need to Hide Some Income? You Don’t Have to Go to Panama - The New York Times 圖翻攝自letu.life 下同 根據了解,世界上第一台可相機的手機大約是在2000年才出現的!但網路上最近卻瘋傳一段拳王泰森在1995年的比賽片段驚見「超離譜畫面!」沒想到觀眾席後面竟然出現一個拿著疑似「智慧型手機」的觀眾... ▼正巧這場對麥克泰森算是非常重要的一場!但For wealthy Americans looking to veil their assets and shield some of their income from taxation, there is no need to go to Panama or any other offshore tax haven. It’s easy to establish a shell corporation right here at home. “In Wyoming, Nevada and Dela...