Sanuk 設計出別人沒有的大幅度彈力伸縮帶: Commodore Stretch 讓你帥氣與舒適一 The Boxee Box by D-Link HD Streaming Media Player: Electronics 設計出別人沒有的大幅度彈力伸縮帶 結合棕櫚樹轉印更添休閒感 Sanuk 為人知曉的懶人鞋(slip-on)又有創新突破,棕櫚伸展鞋(Commodore Stretch)腳背處前所未見的採用大幅度彈力伸縮帶,無論如何走跳、彎曲都能讓鞋面滑順的貼合腳背不脫落,在外觀的視覺美感也不用擔心,Sanuk 都We get it – you want to the freedom to watch whatever you want on your TV: Movies, TV Shows, Sports, but also any other video that is available online. You want to do it without having to connect a computer to your TV or use a keyboard and mouse. We’re al...