Amazon.com: The Boxee Box by D-Link HD Streaming Media Player: Electronics友人說:「如果是我,真的會需要一段滿長的釋懷期,還沒走出來,我不敢貿然接受其他感情。有個男生追我急著想結婚,但我覺得自己沒真的從上段感情跳脫,所以還是拒絕了他。喔,對了,我是天秤座。」 聽她這麼說,讓我想起另一個朋友的多年往事。 兩個人因為朋友介紹認識,一開始蠻談得來,慢慢的開始有了深夜的交集,陪伴We get it – you want to the freedom to watch whatever you want on your TV: Movies, TV Shows, Sports, but also any other video that is available online. You want to do it without having to connect a computer to your TV or use a keyboard and mouse. We’re al...