RoadHawk HD - Vehicle Black Box Camera Unit - Full Review - YouTube 以前真的是很愛看哆啦a夢,陪伴了很長的一段時間!現在的3D電影也是十分的感人。對於裡面的靜香一直很情有獨鐘 雖然有越南的真人版靜香,總覺得缺少那麼一分感覺。日本最近就曝出一個超像的「真人靜香」。▼▼▼▼把原本的靜香拿來一對比....真的很可愛啊~日本網民看完都不禁讚歎「完全一致www」「A full Black Box Camera Unit for vehicles, incorporating image stabilisation, as well as a GPS and G-Force sensor, allowing the user the ability to not only record vehicle footage, but also record all the details required to give you information of your d...