Xbox 360 HD DVD Player - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia有次上國文課時老師講到十天干和十二地支甲同學和乙同學都在睡覺所以老師就問甲同學:[某甲,辰巳午未是什麼意思?]甲:[城...市五位,就是城裡來了五位將軍]老師:[城市五位!? 我還鄉村六位勒!]此時班上同學已經很想笑了老師又問乙同學:[某乙,晨巳午未接下是什麼?]乙:[城...城市五位...接下來是The Xbox 360 HD DVD Player is a discontinued accessory for the Xbox 360 console that enables the playback of movies on HD DVD discs. Microsoft offered the drive for sale between November 2006 and February 2008. It was initially sold for $199. Bill Gates a...