HD LED TV一個朋友的婚禮上,司儀拿出一張百元鈔票問在場所有人,誰想要請舉手,大家想怕是司儀想出來整人的花招吧,沒人說話。 司儀說:我說真的,想要的請舉手。 終於有人舉手了,接著越來越多的人舉手了。司儀看了看大家,換了一張舊的百元鈔票,舉手的人明顯的少了許多。司儀笑了笑了又換了張皺巴巴的有點破損的So your looking to get the latest HD LED TV, you have your money ready and a space reserved in the living room, the last question you need answering is how much money will I save from switching to a LED TV instead of a LCD TV. Well at 40% less energy The...