Broad Scan HD - BHD930 - Scan Converter - Analog Way - Processing and distribution of computer and v 一個戰士被抓後的三個請求 有一個英勇的士兵被抓了卻死也不投降敵人的長官覺得她非常有勇氣就給了他三個請求那個英勇的士兵第一個請求是要跟他的馬說說話長官答應了英勇士兵與他的馬說完話之後馬就跑掉了晚上那匹馬帶了一個美麗的女子回來與他共度良宵第二天那個英勇的士兵還是要跟他的馬說話當天晚BHD930 at a glance: > Powerful Broadcast Scan Converter with Genlock > Supports many analog and digital output formats: HDTV, SDTV > High Performance image processing with real time conversion > A «Zoom finder» is provided to preview part of a zoomed ......