HD Wing Camera 1280x720p 30fps 5MP CMOS - Radio Control Planes, Helicopters, Cars, Boats, FPV and Qu從前有個員外,他姓周,他有很多個老婆,其中一個也是他最愛的一個長的國色天香,但她很愛外遇有一天,他要出遠門,大概一年多,於是他對他的僕人說:[我出遠門的期間你要好好的看著我的老婆,不許他與別人亂來]過了一年,周員外回來,他問:[我那國色天香的老婆這幾個月他有沒有跟男人亂來?]他的僕人說:[沒有,她只This camera is awesome for the budget. Very easy to use after you got the buttons order. 1) Press the button far from the lens for 2 seconds to turn it on (blue led). In a few seconds the vibrating motor will confirm that the camera is ready to go. 2) Sel...