hdd smart bad

Pri Master hard disk: S.M.A.R.T Status BAD, Backup and Replace by Britec - YouTube 網友WACKYBOYS 反骨男孩上傳一則  進擊的柯p-北市波卡拳 【柯P怒玩太鼓達人】才一PO立馬爆紅!! 小編看到這個新聞時,真的是笑到飆淚! 實在太有創意了,哈哈哈哈!   筆者整理編輯    Pri Master hard disk: S.M.A.R.T Status BAD, Backup and Replace by britec.co.uk By master hard disk, error refers to the one, which is being primarily used by computer system to store data. The above warning suggests that users are required to immediately ...


Bad Sector Repair Tool - HDD Head Depopping - YouTube神煩的大門幫你趕走不速之客! 芝麻不開門爆笑短片(中文字幕由哈哈台全球爆笑彈翻譯) 大家一定都遇過推銷員或是傳教士前來敲門的經驗,若一開門就沒完沒了,到時後悔也來不及了!有了這個大門從此問題解決,不用害怕拒人於千里之外!而且被這個神煩的大門嚇走後,門口竟然還有一個更厲害的,把經過的人嚇得人仰馬翻,這Bad sectors are sections of your computer's hard drive that have been damaged, and have lost the ability to save and store your data. http://www.dolphindatalab.com/product... This video teaches users who are using DFL-WDII HDD firmware repair tool to depo...


How to Fix Bad Sectors on a Hard Disk (7 Steps) | eHow 老虎獅子誰才是真正的獸中之王?西方人喜歡獅子,認為獅子厲害,美國探索發現頻道還專門製作了一個專題片,通過機械模型模仿老虎獅子打鬥,來明證獅子比老虎厲害。中國人喜歡老虎,老虎比雄獅體型大一倍,而且老虎是獨自捕食,獅子是群體捕食獵物,中國人普遍認為老虎才是真正的獸中之王! 口說無憑,那就看看老虎和獅子The minute your computer's hard disk starts to act flaky, make sure you have an up-to-date backup. Then you can do some simple diagnostics and repairs. Both Windows and Mac OS come with built-in hard-disk utility software that scans your hard disk for err...


ActiveSMART - The disk audit and space usage tool. File shredder. Find out what happen to your hard 圖片截自:YOUTUBE,以下同   最好的時光便是有朋友陪伴的日子,你笑、他鬧,偶爾做些無傷大雅的惡作劇。 據英國《每日郵報》報道,一段視頻記錄了美國男子邁卡在車中熟睡時嘴裡被調皮的朋友塞進11根Twizzler扭扭糖的惡作劇,引發網友圍觀。 影片中,這起惡作劇的受害者邁卡在汽車後座頭Active SMART is hard disk diagnostics, monitoring and failure prediction software, disk space usage tool. It uses S.M.A.R.T. techology to predict possible hard-drive failure. Protect your data from a sudden hard drive failure....


Hard disk drive - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia全世界最可怕的15種處死方式,第四個我就看不下去了!恐怖! 第15名:活埋 活埋是一種極刑,其歷史可以追溯到公元前,該刑罰即可以用於個人,也可以用於集體。 第14名:蛇坑 是最古老的死刑之一,也是很常見的一場死刑方式。罪犯會被投入到一個充滿了毒蛇的深坑中,坑中憤怒而飢餓的蛇會對其進行攻擊,直至罪犯死A hard disk drive (HDD), hard disk, hard drive or fixed disk[b] is a data storage device used for storing and retrieving digital information using one or more rigid ("hard") rapidly rotating disks (platters) coated with magnetic material. The platters are...


How to Fix Bad Sector on Western Digital SATA HDDs? - StarrGuide原文出處:萌咩誌 編輯:鴉小編 日本的書店店員每年都會發表當年度的大推漫畫, 如果你還不知道寒假or春節連假該如何消遣時間, 那就來跟鴉小編一起看看, 能讓日本的書店店員們大拇指讚一個的漫畫作品是那些吧(^O^)/    「日本全國書店員所選出的推薦漫畫2015」 -2014年1Hi: I had problems with a SATA WD 1 Terabyte Hard Disk which presented 1 bad sector (althought it was well formatted and was working properly) and Dldiag stopped with the message than cannot repair the drive. Nevertheless SMART tests no detected any fault...
