hdmi 2.0 spec

HDMI 2.0夾娃娃機HDMI 2.0, which is backwards compatible with earlier versions of the HDMI specifications, significantly increases bandwidth up to 18Gbps and adds key enhancements to support......


HDMI 2.0 spec released with beefed-up 4K video support and audio channels galore | TechHive 這樣...還真是一舉兩得啊= ="HDMI 2.0 brings some killer new AV capabilities to the table, but the best thing about it may be what hasn't changed. ... HDMI 2.0 spec released with beefed-up 4K video support and......


HDMI - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 雖然你總是面不改色... 但我明白... 你帶給我與我帶給你加總而來的幸福感動:)HDMI B Type 應用於HDMI1. 0版本,規格為4.45 mm × 21. 2 mm,總共有29pin, 可傳輸 HDMI A type兩倍的TMDS資料量, 相對等於DVI Dual-Link傳輸, 用於傳輸高解析度(WQXGA 2560x1600以上)。 (因為 ......


TVTechnology: HDMI 2.0 spec released - Broadcast – Production – NAB - Broadband – Satellite – MobileThe new specification offers a significant increase in bandwidth (up to 18Gb/s) to support new features such as 4K@50/60 (2160p); 32 audio channels; as well as dynamic auto......
