全新INFINITE Q60 3.0T SPORT 正式登場
High-dynamic-range imaging - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 這次在洛杉磯車展,官方也正式發表了Q60 3.0t Sport,並一併公布了售價資訊,預計將在下月正式進入市場。外媒報導指出,這部新發表的Inifiniti Q60 3.0T Sport 定位於2.0t到 3.0t Red Sport 400 車款之間,動力則沿用3.0t Prrmium配置設計,Manual tone mapping was accomplished by dodging and burning – selectively increasing or decreasing the exposure of regions of the photograph to yield better tonality reproduction. This is effective because the dynamic range of the negative is significantl...