HDX Bone review - CNET - Product reviews and prices, software downloads, and tech news▲尺度爆表(source:movielala、盛世藝術收藏,下同) 大家好,我是煞氣編。 小編真的是覺得韓國人雖然社會風氣非常保守,但電影文化卻尺度超高,也許就是把在現實壓抑的心情透過電影完整呈現,才能拍出這麼情慾味道濃烈的電影出來!據盛世藝術收藏報導,盤點韓國超尺度電影TOP6,排名We like the HDX Bone a great deal. It does a terrific job of playing all sorts of media. It's at its best when you fit an internal hard drive -- using it as a USB storage device makes a great deal of sense. Its networking ability also means that you can s...