heads up app

Download Ellen's App, 'Heads Up!' | EllenTV.com 太絕了…留條生路吧"Heads Up!" is the fun and hilarious game that Ellen plays on her show -- and now you can play it with your friends! From naming celebrities, to singing, to silly accents -- guess the card on your head from your friends’ clues before the timer runs out! Y...


Get a Heads Up on Concussion | CDC Foundation 原來奶奶平常都在忙這個啊… 這奶奶太前衛了...As a busy parent, keeping your child healthy and safe is always a top priority. The Heads Up to Parents Site will help you recognize, respond to, and minimize the risk of concussion or other serious brain injury. Visit Now...


HEADS UP to Brain Injury Awareness | HEADS UP | CDC Injury Center 還記得當年我第一次看到他... 現在...(默#ThankYouCoach for taking steps to prevent concussion March is Brain Injury Awareness Month Get HEADS UP on your web site! Prevention tips for your sport Download our new helmet app today! Create a culture of safety for young athletes #ThankYouCoach for ....


Ellen's New Game, 'Heads Up!' | EllenTV.com 上圖的小女孩拿著可愛的粉紅色手提袋, 你覺得里面會是是什麼呢?小提琴?吉他? 但事實上,袋裡裝著的,是一支可以用來殺人的步槍。 荷蘭的攝影師 An-Sofie Kesteleyn,她走訪美國多個地區, 找出一些小孩子並拍攝他們與自己的步槍 ,及寫下他們所恐懼的事物,成為作品「My ​​FEllen had a big announcement on her show: she has a brand new game that you can play at home! "Heads Up!" is a brand new app from Ellen that lets you play with your friends, just like Ellen plays with her guests! Watch Ellen play with the delightful Aliso...
