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iPhone 5 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 【台灣三大潮流勢力強力聯名企劃】 為了對抗主流意識的教養群化,集結具備反抗意識的秘密結社守護者,去除法條與律例的束縛,在普世價值中遵循盡善的規範與人性的主觀意識,街頭信奉的地下化社團約定俗成了我們的 R.O.P - " RULES OF PROCEDURE ",聯合了台灣原創大廠—Remix、PrThe iPhone 5 is a touchscreen smartphone developed by Apple Inc. It is the sixth generation of the iPhone, succeeding the iPhone 4S and preceding the iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C. Formally unveiled as part of a press event on September 12, 2012, it was release...


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