How to help Nepal: 10 vetted charities doing relief work following the earthquakes | Public Radio In 梁洛施 第一名:梁洛施(約1365億港元) 雖然為李家誕下三子,可惜仍然無緣入豪門,兩人更於前年分手。 徐子淇 第二名:徐子淇(約702億港元) 2006年與香港富豪李兆基二子李家誠結婚,育有二女一子。 呂麗君 第三名:呂麗君(約311億港元) 2003年為劉鑾雄生下一女,但二人未結As images of devastation and tragedy in Nepal and neighboring countries rattled by a series of quakes since April 25 pour across social media and TV, the natural question for many people is, "What can I do to help?" After disasters, the best way to help i...