The hematopoietic stem cell niche | StemBook客機墜落海面,乘務員讓乘客從滑梯上下海, 乘客不敢,空姐求助於機長, 機長迅速搞定,空姐問其故, 機長:對美國人說這是冒險, 對英國人說這是榮譽, 對法國人說這很浪漫, 對德國人說這是規定, 對日本人說這是命令,就好了。 機長還說:中國人太容易搞掂啦,告訴他是免費的即可。 The hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) niche is the anatomical location in which HSCs reside and self-renew. The HSCs outside the niche do not self-renew and commence the process of differentiation to ultimately produce mature blood cells. In recent years ther...