Hematopoietic stem cell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia一位農場主花了很多錢買了一批母雞,想靠賣雞蛋賺錢。不料母雞一個個無精打采,總是不生蛋。他很著急,去請教專家。 專家問明情況以後,告訴他說: "雞也是動物,也有生理需求,所以你應該再去買一批公雞"。 可是農場主已經花了很多錢,口袋裏的錢只夠買一隻公雞的了。 沒辦Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are the blood cells that give rise to all the other blood cells and are derived from mesoderm. They are located in the red bone marrow, which is contained in the core of most bones. They give rise to the myeloid (monocytes ...