6. Hang San Teng, 1828, destroyed by fire | Historic Chinese Architecture in Singapore ▲當年爆紅的麥當勞正妹。(source: 左:YouTube / 右:臉書) 大家好我是云編~ 還記得幾年前爆紅的麥當勞正妹徐薇涵嗎?皮膚白皙、擁有一雙大眼的她擄獲了國內外的網友,甚至有不少網友說要去她任職的麥當勞消費,就為了見她一面。現在距離她爆紅的當時已經過了兩年,現在I can’t verify if there was indeed an imperial plaque given to Heng Shan Ting; it was based on my recollections from a newspaper article that talked about the history and architecture of the temple that was published just before that devastating fire. It ...