還記得少林足球裡的「六師弟」嗎?他被迫和星爺解約 差點沒飯吃!沒想到現在生活竟然...
Henry Smart - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 圖翻攝自youtube youtube 下同 大家還記得少林足球裡的「六師弟」嗎?沒想到和星爺解約後的他,現在的人生正值巔峰時期啊!根據媒體報導,香港演員「林子聰」在出演仙劍3之前就已走紅,而且是作為周星馳電影的配角走紅的!他先後在少林足球、功夫、長江七號等星爺的電影裡擔任配角,相信大家一定都很有Henry Thomas Smart (26 October 1813 – 6 July 1879) was an English organist and composer. Smart was born in London, a nephew of the conductor Sir George Smart and son of a music publisher, orchestra director and accomplished violinist (also called Henry Sm...