海豚的故事 (Dolphin Tale) - HiTutor線上英文,一對一即時互動!線上學英文、線上一對一英文學習、線上英文家教 ... 出處:英國那些事兒 原文標題:一百年前上流社會的奢華郵輪生活照片,看過你就會覺得,鐵達尼號也不算啥嘛。。。 在上世紀初,飛機還不普及。 那麼那個時候,大家想要跨洲旅行,大多只能選擇郵輪。 為了讓乘客可以體會到最舒適海豚的故事 (Dolphin Tale) Dolphin Tale is inspired by the amazing true story of a brave dolphin and the compassionate strangers who banded together to save her life. Swimming free, a young dolphin is caught in a crab trap, severely damaging her tail. She is .....