速食愛情太可怕?!告訴你10個「老派愛情」最美好的特點! 9 根本是「所有女生都嚮往」的!男生快學起
Warner Collections - Appleseed Recordings ▲你嚮往老派愛情嗎?(sourse : lifebuzz) 現在網路交友軟體盛行,男女交往的模式與以前大不同,甚至一夜情比以前更快更容易,往往是認識幾個禮拜、甚至幾天就交往了,回頭看看以前的男女交往,或許舊有的方式更令人懷念?根據lifebuzz分享,這裡就來告訴大家10個老派愛情令人嚮往的地方。On June 3, 1938, Anne and Frank Warner left New York City for the Appalachian Mountains. This was the first in a series of trips extending over nearly five decades during which the Warners would “collect” on primitive tape recordings some of America’s mos...