hero fighter

Hero Fighter - Official Site   好...好逼真啊!Hero Fighter is a free web-based fighting game created by Marti Wong. Hero Fighter is still under development and alpha version is already released. The game supports up to 3 human players on one computer and in later release, online play will be added....


Hero Fighter 官方網頁男人一旦出軌首先會拼命掩飾、撒謊,如果你心細察覺,然後聰明處理,把出軌扼殺在搖籃裡,這段婚姻仍可繼續,甚至發展更好。那麼十二星座男會如何掩飾出軌呢? 白羊座:暴跳如雷 白羊座男粗心馬虎,一旦出軌,只要細心觀察就會有些蛛絲馬跡,若妻子以開玩笑的口吻試探著問“你是不是出軌了?”白Hero Fighter is a free web-based fighting game created by Marti Wong. Hero Fighter is still under development and alpha version is already released. The game supports up to 3 human players on one computer and in later release, online play will be added....


英雄大作戰 Hero Fighter - 小遊戲客棧 一秒的確很偉大啊!!英雄大作戰 ::最新力作英雄大作戰終於釋出,現在發布的這個版本是8月4日發布的最新版本。 這款網頁遊戲很像LF2,但又似乎多了些什麼。 一開始有三個人物可以選擇分別是: 承影(shawn),褚英(drew)和龍介(lucas)。 這次增加了經精力標,平台系統,坐騎 ......


Hero Fighter - Two Player Games 我的天啊!!太厲害了!!有女幫友要試試看嗎?Your country is captured by bandits. All cities are burned and people are killed! You must help them as fast as you can. Prepare for being the hero of your country. Moreover you don't have to play alone. You can play with 2 players and 3 players at the sa...
